Transforming Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: iollo's Metabolomic Insights for Proactive Patient Management

March 14, 2024


Cardiovascular health and longevity are crucial aspects of overall well-being, and their optimization can significantly improve patients' quality of life. iollo's advanced metabolomic testing offers healthcare providers a powerful tool to identify imbalances in heart health and aging processes, enabling the development of personalized interventions for their patients. This educational material aims to familiarize physicians with the key cardiovascular and longevity markers measured by iollo's test, their interpretation, and the potential benefits for patients concerned about heart health and healthy aging.

Who May Benefit from This Test?

iollo's cardiovascular and longevity testing can be particularly beneficial for patients with various risk factors or conditions related to heart health and premature aging. Some of the key indications for testing include:

  • High blood pressure or hypertension: Patients with elevated blood pressure or diagnosed hypertension may benefit from metabolomic testing to identify underlying imbalances contributing to their cardiovascular risk.
  • Elevated cholesterol or triglycerides: Individuals with abnormal lipid profiles, such as high LDL cholesterol or triglycerides, can gain insights into their cardiovascular health status and potential interventions to improve lipid metabolism.
  • Family history of heart disease: Patients with a family history of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks or strokes, may benefit from proactive testing to assess their risk factors and guide preventive strategies.
  • Atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease: Individuals diagnosed with atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease can use metabolomic testing to monitor their progress and optimize their treatment plans.
  • Premature aging or longevity concerns: Patients interested in promoting healthy aging and maximizing their longevity may benefit from assessing key metabolomic markers associated with cellular health and resilience.

Other patients who may benefit from cardiovascular and longevity testing include those with metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or metabolic syndrome, smokers, individuals with sedentary lifestyles, and those with nutrient deficiencies that may impact heart health.

Understanding Cardiovascular and Longevity Markers

iollo's Cardiovascular and Longevity Panel measures a comprehensive set of biomarkers that provide insights into various aspects of heart health and aging processes. Some of the key markers include:

  1. Homoarginine
  • Homoarginine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid involved in nitric oxide and energy metabolism [1].
  • Low levels of homoarginine have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, myocardial dysfunction, and fatal cardiovascular events [2,3].
  1. Triglycerides and Ceramide 18:0
  • Triglycerides are a type of lipid that serves as an energy source for the body, but elevated levels have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease [4].
  • Ceramide 18:0 is a specific type of ceramide, a lipid involved in cell signaling and apoptosis. Increased levels of this ceramide have been linked to a higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events [5].
  1. Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA)
  • ADMA is an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, an enzyme critical for maintaining vascular health by regulating blood vessel dilation and platelet aggregation [6].
  • Elevated levels of ADMA have been associated with hypertension, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and heart failure [6].
  1. Methionine and Taurine
  • Methionine is an essential amino acid involved in various cellular processes, but high levels have been linked to increased homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease [7].
  • Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Low levels of taurine have been associated with various age-related diseases and reduced longevity [8].

Interpreting Results and Patient Benefits

iollo's metabolomic testing provides valuable insights into patients' cardiovascular health and longevity status:

  • Identifying imbalances in key cardiovascular and longevity markers can reveal underlying risk factors, such as endothelial dysfunction, lipid abnormalities, or premature aging processes.
  • Patients concerned about heart health, longevity, or with specific risk factors like hypertension, dyslipidemia, or a family history of cardiovascular disease, can particularly benefit from the comprehensive analysis of their metabolomic profile.

iollo's test results are highly actionable, offering personalized recommendations based on each patient's unique health history and context:

  • Patients with elevated triglycerides or ceramide 18:0 may be advised to adopt a heart-healthy diet rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and plant sterols, as well as engage in regular physical activity to improve lipid metabolism [10].

Physicians can assist patients in prioritizing 2-3 key recommendations to focus on initially, based on the most significant imbalances in cardiovascular and longevity markers and the patient's individual goals and preferences. Regular monitoring of these biomarkers can also help track patients' progress and optimize their treatment plans over time.


iollo's advanced metabolomic testing provides healthcare providers with a powerful tool to assess and optimize their patients' cardiovascular health and longevity. By understanding the key markers measured and their implications for heart health and aging processes, physicians can develop personalized interventions that address underlying imbalances and support their patients' well-being. Integrating Iollo's testing into clinical practice can complement other functional and integrative approaches to cardiovascular health and longevity, ultimately helping patients achieve optimal health outcomes.

To learn more about iollo's metabolomic testing and how it can benefit your patients, please visit or contact our support team at


[1] Atzler et al. (2014). Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 34.11: 2501-2507.
[2] Drechsler et al. (2011). European journal of heart failure 13.8: 852-859.
[3] Pilz et al. (2011) Heart 97.15:1222-1227.
[4] Nordestgaard and Varbo (2014). The Lancet 384.9943: 626-635.
[5] Mantovani and Dugo  (2020). Journal of Clinical Lipidology 14.2: 176-185.
[6] Sibal et al. (2010). Curr Cardiol Rev 6(2): 82-90.
[7] Ganguly and Alam (2015). Nutrition journal 14.1: 1-10.
[8] Singh et al. (2023). Science 380.6649: eabn9257.
[10] Casas et al. (2018). International journal of molecular sciences 19.12: 3988.

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iollo is for anyone who wants to be empowered with information and data about their blood metabolome. iollo tests are intended exclusively for wellness purposes. iollo cannot provide you with medical advice or diagnose you with any disease or condition. Any information provided by iollo is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.